
ramblings about music and life

Monday, July 21, 2003

I finally succumbed and bought myself a DVD player the other day, I've been avoiding it but there does seem to be loads of stuff available that I'd really like to see, so I went for it. One of my first purchases was 24 Hour Party People, I meant to go to the pictures to see it but never got around to it. I enjoyed the film, very happy/sad, especially the Joy Division bits , after watching it I went into the kitchen and got a big bowl of rice krispies for my supper and thought to myself that I could never have been a popstar, I just wouldn't have enjoyed that drug fuelled lifestyle. I thought today that when I got in from work that I would want to have a listen to Atmosphere or Lazyitis but instead I reached for my Talulah Gosh 12"'s ,which I have never listened to for years and they sounded quite refreshing after all this time.
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